Password Reset - I Can't Login - I Forgot my Username or Password - My Email doesn't work

You may be able to recover your Username and Password online by checking at this page:

It will verify if you are eligible, and will show your Username immediately.

Please note that emails are no longer accepted as a Username. It must be the actual Username for the account.

It may also offer to automatically process a password reset after a 72 hour notification and waiting period.

If so, submit the request. Then return back to that same page after 72 hours. Then it will let you reset the password.

If you don't remember your Username, please check any past emails we might have sent you. Usually these will have your Username in them especially the Newsletter. The first email from us may have also included your first Username and Password.

If you are unable to reset or access your account this way, please open a ticket here and include any information you remember about your account.

If desired, you may also be able to just create a new account and start over using that one.

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