New Topic Limits
You may be seeing this page because you created more than four new prayer request threads per 60 minutes.
Please post only four new prayer request threads per 60 minute interval. You can post more prayer requests in that time, but only by editing or including them as replies in your existing request thread.
Anonymous requests cannot be edited, however. If you use the anonymous feature, be sure to put all your requests for the next 60 minutes in one of your four threads before submitting. Anonymous new requests also count toward the limit.
If you notice that one of your requests has been inadvertently duplicated, please wait one hour before posting again. A small margin for this situation is factored in if it only happens once in an hour.
Using multiple accounts, new requests within replies of other people, or other methods to circumvent the limits is monitored and will result in a permanent ban.
This policy is to keep the board organized and prevent tens or hundreds of new request threads from flooding the site at once.
You can, however, post appropriate new topics in the social groups or blog entries, or normal replies to the prayer requests of others. Just be sure to observe the limit of four new prayer request topics per 60 minutes in the main forum.
You will not be able to access until the block is automatically lifted. The block will be lifted automatically every night at about 11:45 PM Central Time. Tickets from blocked accounts will be discarded.
Thank you for your understanding.